
enero 16, 2012

EmpresateNews January 16, 2012

 @Empresate News 16 Jan 2012 


* Do not let the sun dies without your grudges have died "Gandhi


Opec111.73- WTI101.75 + Brent110.44 -
DOW 12422.10-  NASDAQ 2710.67-
Wall Street in low. Wikipedia meets 11 years. Apple made public its list of suppliers.2012, the year of physics: 3 experts confirm if the higgs and if neutrinos travel faster than light
• CAVENEZ: Sales: 2010 125202   vs 2011 120689
• Incorporate manufacturing area in Great Mission Know and Work. 13,680 people have registered
• Giordani: Government has invested $ 338,000 MM in 6 years. Without the Fund would have $ 100,000 MM reserves stationed there
• Ramirez: We have 297400 MM barrels in reserve certified


• Carlos R. Hernandez Chavez wanted to show that he was in good condition, so spoke almost 10 hours
• Nestor Borjas: MCM is right. Expropriation without paying is stealing
• Chavez gives green light to open trial of MCM
• Ramirez confirmed that withdraws from ICSID Vzla
• Mature weak calls for expelling U.S. consul in Miami
• Pérez Molina calls for collaboration to fight drug trafficking Army


• Brazil: Will change immigration law to attract more professionals
• Ecuador: Correa turns 5 years in office with high popularity
• U.S.: White House opposes Soup Law 
• Pakistan: girl dies famous for winning the Microsoft Certified 9 years
• Spain: Manuel Fraga died founding president of the PP, 3rd Father of the Constitution
• Germany: Ask EU to create their own rating agencies


• Died Rafael Rincon, the musical painter of Zulia.Mortuary remains are veiled in Zulia
• Permanent Identity Cards Airport La Chinita Mon-Fri 8am-5pm


If you inspire joy and others react to you with joy, there must be something in you to generate it, if you're not happy


The largest desert,the Sahara, has more than 9 MM km2? 

Ing. Néstor Borjas Duarte
"Lo importante no es pisar, sino dejar la HUELLA. Emprende siempre"

Twitter @nestorborjasd
Facebook: Nestor Borjas D
Movil: 584146327203

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