
febrero 13, 2012

EmpresateNews February 13, 2012

@ Empresate News February 13, 2012

"People are to be loved and things to be used. The reason why the world is in chaos, it is because things are being loved and people are being used" Jonathan Moldú

Opec114.68 + WTI98.67-Brent117.31-
DOW  12801.20- NASDAQ 2903.88-
GBP 1.5784+ EUR1.3236 + JPY77.610+
Wall Street end week lower
• Import of  Colombians  cars will resume in the long run
• Government says it is controlled oil spill in Monagas
• Locations in 7 states reported power failures
• In January, tax revenues increased 28.5%
• Bonds should rise today by primary results

• Official Newsletter MUD: Capriles 63% (1,806,868) vs. Pablo Perez 31% (867,601) with 2,904,710 Voters
• Pablo Perez: Henrique Capriles is going to be the next president of Venezuela
• Unit Congratulations! Especially Mrs Dr Albanes and Aveledo
• Lopez called historical participation in primary
• MCM: Venezuelans have much to celebrate. It is a great  Citizen victory
• Campaign of the Goverment is simple: the candidate of the oligarchy, the rich vs. the people's candidate, according to PSUV source

• Colombia: NGO International Court says there are 14,000 child soldiers
• Argentina: Church supports the government for sovereignty of the Malvinas
• Greece: Approves austerity package and bailout
• Japan: GDP shrank 2.3% between October and December
• U.S.: Outraged reactivated with new stage protests marches and strikes
• United Kingdom: Bankers arrested in tax case
• Spain: Madrid protest against Garzon shameful sentence

• Zulia keeps winning with Pablo Perez
• Government conducted the 2nd wave of Knowledge Mission and Work

BETTER LIFE: Spend your money on experiences, not things: You'll be happier when you invest your money on travel, courses and classes

DID YOU KNOW THAT: 1/2000 babies is born with a tooth? 

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