
marzo 20, 2012

EmpresateNews March 20, 2012

@ Empresate News 20 Mar 2012

"Never wrestle and lose energy with people who do not deserve the honor of a battle" P. Coelho

Opec122.92-WTI108.39 + Brent125.71-
DOW  13239.10 +NASDAQ 3078.32 +
EUR1.3234-GBP 1.5890-JPY83.400 +
Wall Street and Latin American stock markets close higher. Apple launches payment of dividends, $ 10mil GM buybacks and sold in 3 Cases 3MM días.Economía in the network represent $ 4.2 billion in 2016.Jeffrey Sachs, the darling of Mexico and Chile to lead BM
• Venezuelan bonds closed with mixed results
• HCh approved salary increase for collective bargaining Pequiven and resources for the 6th collective agreement VTV workers. Call to discuss new LOT
• Fedecámaras: 30 days is not enough time to discuss LOT
• Vzla buy more weapons than their neighbors
• Polar will exercise appropriate legal action against FVF
• 13.4 MM Indepabis Bs raised last year
• Cooperatives are exempt, but as state income tax

• AFP: Police abuse and impunity worse violence in Vzla
• I. James ordered that inmates who participate in strikes will be ejected
• hGH reported to have detected plans to attack Capriles
• Supreme Court admits appeal to quash expropriation decree Agroisleña
• Jaime Lusinchi hospitalized

• Argentina: Digital TV coverage reaches 75% of the population
• Mexico: Cancun fight to be world wonder
• Syria: Continued fighting in Homs
• Russia: sink into the Pacific Express satellite mission after failing
• Greece: Central Bank expected to fall 4.5% of GDP in 2012

• O. Caldera: CICPC function is distorted
• P. Perez: The murder of the consul's daughter was due to mishandling of officials

BETTER LIFE: Take care of your conscience more than your reputation, because your conscience is what you are and your reputation is what others think of you

DID YOU KNOW THAT: Barca pay € 14 MM for Neymar?

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